Conduct statistical analysis to measure the correlation and historical relationship between the selected currency pairs. Common statistical tools – used in this strategy – include cointegration, correlation and regression analysis.
Monitor the selected currency pairs in real-time. Look for instances where the pairs deviate from their historical relationships or exhibit a significant divergence. This can be done by comparing the actual price ratio of the pairs to their expected or predicted ratio based on the statistical model.
The tool used to analyze the entry point and operation type (buy /sell) is based on proprietary algorithms set which allows to look simultaneously to a huge amount of data, reaching 260000 info/s aimed to improve the performance of what a simple trader could do by him/herself alone.
The tool used to analyze the entry point and operation type (buy /sell) is based on proprietary algorithms set which allows to look simultaneously to a huge amount of data, reaching 260000 info/s aimed to improve the performance of what a simple trader could do by him/herself alone.
Continuously monitor the trades and adjust the strategy as needed. Market conditions and relationships between currency pairs can change over time, in order to keep updated and adapt the strategy accordingly.
The graph below highlights the gross earnings of Trading Development DMCC from 2023, demonstrating consistent and impressive results. Thanks to the use of spot currencies, the equity line aligns perfectly with the balance, minimizing risk while delivering outstanding performance.
Winning Days Ratio: 80% of trading days since 2023 have been profitable, averaging 8 out of 10 days generating returns
Risk Management: Advanced technology ensures stable and reliable decision-making
Are you a potential investor looking to join our journey of innovation and growth? Or an ambitious company seeking strategic funding and expertise? Reach out to DFI Capital to explore how we can collaborate. Together, we can drive impactful change in financial markets through innovative solutions.
P.O. Box 10008, Willow House, Cricket Square, Grand Cayman, KY1-1001. Cayman Islands.
Copyright © 2025 DFI Capital Fund Cayman. All rights reserved.
Investing in DFI Capital SP involves substantial risks, including the potential loss of all or part of your investment. The fund operates under Ancova Capital Management SPC, a Cayman Islands-regulated entity, and is not insured by any government or private institution. Investments are subject to market volatility, liquidity constraints, leverage amplification, and algorithmic trading risks, including potential errors or unforeseen market conditions. Additionally, forex trading and reliance on Trading Dev DMCC, the fund’s primary portfolio company, concentrate risk and heighten exposure to operational and counterparty risks. While dividends are anticipated based on trading profits, they are not guaranteed. Ancova Capital Management SPC assumes no liability for investment outcomes, as all investment decisions are made by the appointed investment advisor, Fincode FZCO, which identifies and invests in unique privately owned firms globally. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and potential investors are encouraged to seek independent financial advice before committing capital.
The information contained in this website DFI Capital FUND Cayman. The information contained herein has been prepared for discussion purposes only and does not constitute an opinion or appraisal. This website contains or may contain certain statements and forward-looking projections relating to the Fund’s future prospects, developments, and business strategies. The forward-looking statements on this website are based on current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by those statements.
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